Wallpaper Mockup - Industrial Living Room
Wallpaper Mockup - Industrial Living Room

About the Product
Showcase your wallpaper design on this simple industrial style living room scene with high ceilings and dramatic shadows. - Use this mockup to sell products in your online store. - Showcase your work in a professional design portfolio. - Quickly and easily visualize interior scenes for your clients. - Creating eye-catching images for social media. Photography credit: thank you to Suhyeon Choi Example wallpaper designs by Andrea Muller: www.andreaalice.com
- Editable PSD file for use in Adobe Photoshop.
- Easily add your own design in seconds via smart object.
- Lighting and shadows are automatically applied to your design for a photo-realistic look.
- All lighting adjustment layers are fully customizable so you can edit them to suit your specific artwork.
- Couch color can be changed.
- Final file size: 2696 x 4039 px
- File Types PSD
- Size 113.9 MB
- Dimensions 2696 x 4039 px
- Extended License License Details