Postage stamps Mock up

Postage stamps Mock up
Create a professional photo-realistic presentation of your product using our user-friendly mockup. You have total control over all aspects of the creative process in customizing the mockup to your preferences , A tutorial pdf is included which explains all the functions that are available.

- 14 PSD Files
- High Quality Image
- Well organized layers
- This mockup works with both light and dark color label designs
- Background color can be changed and textured with an overlay texture
- 4 Photographic Filters inside psd file
- Photoshop Version: Compatible with CS5 and up. Created with Photoshop 2022
- 2 Dirt pattern tone inside psd file
- Postage Size : Large 1.5"x2.5" Mediume 1.3"x2.1" Small 1.3"x1.8 and 1.3"x1.3"
- User Guide Include
- Sample graphics are not included in the download

- File Types PSD
- Size 1.5 GB
- Dimensions 4500x3000 px
- Extended License License Details