120 Spectral Gradient Backgrounds V. 2

120 Spectral Gradient Backgrounds V. 2120 Spectral Gradient Backgrounds V. 2

120 Spectral Gradient Backgrounds V. 2

by Basit.design in Backgrounds & Textures

Unleash the power of color gradients to breathe life into your projects with our curated collection of 60 Mistmusk (light) and 60 Darkmist (dark) shades. Each gradient is a symphony of hues, seamlessly blending from one mesmerizing tone to the next, adding depth, dimension, and a touch of magic to your designs.

120 Spectral Gradient Backgrounds V. 2
120 Spectral Gradient Backgrounds V. 2
120 Spectral Gradient Backgrounds V. 2
120 Spectral Gradient Backgrounds V. 2


  • 60 Dark Themes
  • 60 Light Themes
  • 3840 x 2800 px
120 Spectral Gradient Backgrounds V. 2
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