100 Spectral Gradient Backgrounds

100 Spectral Gradient Backgrounds100 Spectral Gradient Backgrounds

100 Spectral Gradient Backgrounds

by Basit.design in Backgrounds & Textures

100 mesmerizingly textured wallpapers, each with its own unique personality. Get ready to infuse tranquility into your device with these vivid creations that ooze serenity. Dive into the world of vibrant designs and choose your perfect zen companion. You can go all-in with the complete wallpaper symphony or cherry-pick from a gallery of individual packs. Your Presentation's makeover journey starts here!

100 Spectral Gradient Backgrounds
100 Spectral Gradient Backgrounds


  • 50 Dark Themes
  • 50 Light Themes
  • 3840 x 2800 px
100 Spectral Gradient Backgrounds
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